Ask Alison: Office Hours

Are you are parent of a child with hair loss looking for professional advice on how to support your kid?

Maybe you are an adult with hair loss in search of support, but not ready or in need of long term support?

These office hours are an easy way to get your questions answered by a mental health professional!

What is the purpose of office hours?

The purpose of these office hours is to continue making mental health support for hair loss more accessible! In these 1 hour sessions, which are capped at 5 people max, you can ask Alison any question you would like.

While I love connecting with people via social media, it is not ethical or possible to give professional support through questions I get in DMs or comments. In order to provide proper advice or support I need to meet with you face to face and have an understanding of your unique circumstances! I understand that individual long term support is not affordable or well suited for each person’s needs, and believe that these office hours can serve as a more affordable alternative! (and depending on how many people sign up, you may still get individual time with Alison too!)

What is included?

  • 1 hour meeting with Alison to ask any question

  • Each meeting is capped at 5 participants

  • Space to heal, learn and find hair loss support from a licensed mental health professional